Art direction, graphic design, research
The original video↑
Armenian content, click here for english is an archive website that has a mission to reconstruct and preserve the memory of Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire through research.
In addition to research, digitization, archiving and publishing, Houshamadyan also curates a video series that focusies on the Armenian intangible heritage and its transmission to the next generation living in the diaspora.
I participated in this series by creating a video about the transmission of an Armenian recipe - The Tahinov Hats recipe. You can find the english version of the video here.
We went to Lebanon and then to the Netherlands in order to explore the recipe and history of Tahinov hats, as well as the stages of its evolution. The scenes shot in Beirut were filmed by Etienne Seukunian and in Amsterdam, by Kristyan Sarkis.

Behind the scene ↑
filming by Etienne Seukunian