Art direction, graphic design, research, illustration
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in armenian and english

Informative hand illustrations ↑
material used in the video is an archive website that has a mission to reconstruct and preserve the memory of Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire through research.
In addition to research, digitization, archiving and publishing, Houshamadyan also curates a video series that focusies on the Armenian intangible heritage and its transmission to the next generation living in the diaspora.
Those of you who spent your childhood playing traditional Armenian games are probably familiar with one or more of the following: "dziv dziv madnotsig", "djor djor", "grag ga", or "hos avazan mu ga".
In fact, these are very old games that we have inherited from our ancestors. They have been preserved by individual families or within the walls of a few educational establishments in places like Beirut, Los Angeles, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Yerevan, Istanbul, Paris, Cairo, and elsewhere.
This short video explores these historical games – “Our Ancestors’ Games”.
The video is translated into English here and Turkish. You can go check houshamadyan's vimeo and choose your language.
The original video ↑
Armenian content, click here for english