Born in a multicultural environment, I naturally work with projects concerning identities... visual ones.
I grew up with 4 languages: Armenian, Arabic, French and English. And these different scripts have allowed me to see the world of graphic design in multi-script.
As a visual designer I acknowledge that a design cannot be disconnected from the values and assumptions in which it was created nor the ideologies behind it. Knowing that communication is not neutral, puts everything in perspective.
My personal work explores the aspects of cultural transmission (heritage, language, traditions) and the power of graphic design in social activism by using pedagogy and humour as main tools.
In 2017, I got my Masters degree in Visual & Graphic Design from ENSAV La Cambre and in 2018, I received my teaching diploma in Fine arts from the same school.
Currently I am a PhD student in Sint Lucas Antwerpen and the University of Antwerp (ARIA) working on a research project entitled “Exploring the Diasporic Life of Armenian Script: a multiscript design laboratory”.
As a freelancer, I work with a wide range of clients, from cultural institutions to corporate organisations both international and local. So far, I’ve worked or collaborated with:
- Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)
- Divided Publishing (London - Brussels)
- Houshamadyan (Berlin)
- (Brussels)
- Europe Comics (Brussels)
- Loraine Furter (Brussels)
- Armenian Diaspora Survey (London)
- Milles et un monde (Lyon)
- Nor Haratch publishing (Paris)
- Abril Books (Los Angeles)